
Monday, February 27, 2012

SUPER project

It's no secret. I wish I was Supermom! You know, that lady who always has everything her child needs for the situation, knows what the daily homework is and what their child is learning about in science. That lady that gets up before the sun to make a healthy breakfast and do their daughters hair. Yeah, I wish I was Supermom.

What is more realistic is that I am more like this lady! Running from one urgent situation to another. If it isn't a crazy work week, then I have tons due for class, if not that then I have projects at the house to get it 'on the market' ready. And on the rare occasion that one or all of those things aren't screaming for my attention, my children are usually screaming at each other. Yep, I am no Supermom.
Enter SCA Spirit Week and it's crazy themed dress up days. Superhero Day. Really - who thinks of this stuff?!?! Of course, my children think its the best idea EVER! Now I am left to figure out February Halloween costumes. Just what I planned to do the night before my senior exit exams. 
One crazy trip to Wal-Mart later and I am ready to be a "Super" mom and transform my girls from ordinary students into extraordinary superheroes!

It has been a while since I played with puff paint. It is as fun as I remember. I have been eyeing stuff all night that might just need a little embellishment....

But the Super Carlie shirt was first. It had a little green stain on the shoulder when I bought it so I had to give it some spiky shoulder stripes.

Jason couldn't stand by and watch the art happening, so he jumped in to make Super Alaynah a suitable shirt.

The only plain black shirt available was an adult large. It was just a large bit too big. Hayley jumped in to cut and tie the sides and sleeves to make it "way cooler"!

Now all we needed was a few capes. Because honestly, how can a girl be expected to fly without a cape? Problem: in an effort to declutter for Operation Sell This House, I put my sewing machine and all the "stuff" in storage. Can I tell you a secret? I have never used the iron on hem stuff. I know it is the easy smart way to get a good hem. I have always figured I would somehow screw it up. I just stick to the basic sew a seam approach. But I was desperate, and I figured I could get Jason's help if I really botched the job!

A little ironing, and some ribbon later, viola


I may not be supermom, but I sure do have super kids! Tomorrow they will look a little bit like them!!!!
Now off to study for these stinking exams!

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