
Friday, May 31, 2013


It was a normal doctors appointment until the very end when he said, "Well, I guess this is the last time I'll see you."
Wait a minute. WHAT?
Last time. It totally knocked my off balance. I have been thinking about the move from the perspective that I'd visit, skype, facetime, and facebook with loved ones. I have accepted that it would be different but there is no finality in relationships changing.
It hit me like a ton of bricks this week that it would be the mundane and familiar that might be the hardest thing to adjust to. What is normal for us will never be again.
This is the part of moving literally half-way around the world that scares me the most. Giving up my normal, familiar things. Being in a place that nothing is familiar is the part that I have rarely thought about. But as the day gets closer, I am really feeling the nerves about it.
I know I will find a new normal and a new familiar. I know that this adventure is right where my family is supposed to be.
Man, I am not looking forward to the lasts that are coming over the next 5 weeks. But with every last, there will be a first to come. God is good like that!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Someone, a missionary, said make sure you take those little things that will make your place home....the little things that will remind you of where you came from. We kind of had our "aha" moment when Joanna was living in a green room patched together and unfamiliar. Well we finally got around to simply putting a couple of pictures up that were familiar and it made all the difference for her. That was a huge moment for me as I realize that the transition is just as huge for them! I appreciated the friend reminding me of that. I know they are material things, but if they link back to home it can ease the transition. That was a lot. Anyway, now that we are settled for the most part and are together, we are feeling more "home." I know we are only in Miami, but it is still a long way from our rural, rolling hills GA we still long for. Praying for you friend! So excited to share this ride with you.