
Monday, June 17, 2013

There are piles of junk everywhere and all I want is to find a pair of clean pants!

There are piles of junk everywhere and all I want is to find a pair of clean pants!
Yep. Last week I actually said that. Out loud.

Living in someone else's home has been interesting. I am so grateful that my grandmother is letting us stay here while we wait to leave for Poland, but having so much of my stuff in two rooms with the amount I need to accomplish is making me CRAZY!

All that aside, as soon as it came out of my mouth I realized it was such a metaphor for my life right now. There is so much clutter and so many things screaming for my attention that I am finding it difficult to see through the mess and find what I really need.

I want, so badly, for this season to be spent making wonderful memories with family and friends. In my effort to do special things with everyone in our lives, it seems all I am accomplishing is wearing myself out. So I've made a decision. No more crazy "last time I'll ever...". I'm just going to enjoy each day as it comes. I'm going to do the things I always do. Enjoy my current routine. Soak up all things familiar. I don't need to go somewhere or do something extravagant to make memories. I can treasure the everyday and leave with sweet memories.

Since as we have gotten closer to our departure date I have had a growing sense of dread over all the goodbyes. No more. I'm going to focus on enjoying the time I spend with others instead of spending it nervous and filled with emotion over that time being over. I much prefer "See you next time." to "Goodbye".

So as the nerves mount and the piles of things that need tending to grow, I am going to find my clean running pants and hit the pavement. Because honestly, who can freak out while trying to remember to breath???


Sandra Williams said...

Megan, I think that is a great attitude to have at this point in your life. Heck! It is a great attitude to have in anyone's life! Be in each moment so that you can enjoy and remember it!
Love you, Aunt Sandra

whirlpool36 said...

You have always been a little bit crazy so you can't blame it on the confined space you now have. Actually, I have enjoyed your creativity at SCA as you taught and worked and know that many will enjoy your blogs and share a little of life in Poland or wherever. Thank you, B.Poole