
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dear Ungrateful

I am ashamed to say that over the past few years I have spent too much time feeling like I’d been forgotten about or sometimes just picked on by God. It is ridiculous behavior for someone that has been so blessed, but it is the truth. Yes, it was incredibly difficult and frustrating to be delayed and then in limbo for so long. But I would have been missing out on such amazing blessings that God had in store for me and my family if things had gone according to my plans. I drafted this letter to myself on the bus yesterday. Feel free to remind me I need to come back and read it if when I start complaining about something not going my way.

Dear Ungrateful,
It isn’t always easy when you don’t see the big picture. Please remember that God has promised that He is working ALL THINGS together for your good. There is no promise that every step of that process will be laced with situations and circumstances that you find comfortable. Actually, in order for you to grow and be a better person, some things will need to be quite uncomfortable. Your comfort zone can’t bring about any greatness in your life. The things you want for yourself and your family are way outside that cushy place where everyone likes you and you are happy all the time.
Stop freaking out when life brings a little discomfort! You really do believe that God has a plan for your life. Act like you believe it! Don’t start whining at the first sign of trouble. Stop. Take a deep breath and remember the blessings you have been given. Remember all the times that God has given you extra blessings that you didn’t deserve.
Sometimes in the grand scheme of things you will have to give up things that you think are really good if you want to have God’s best. It will be okay. God hasn’t called you away from things to leave you. He has a plan. Relax and let Him work in your life. Your bad attitude will only make tough things worse. And you will just feel embarrassed when everything comes together to be a huge blessing.
Don’t be THAT girl. It might feel good to complain in the moment, but it makes you look ridiculous when blessings come.
You are on a journey. It is an adventure that promises ups and downs. It isn’t always comfortable, but it is worth it. Be grateful for all you have. Everyday!
Romans 8:28 ~ And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
The Girl Who Realizes How Blessed Her Life Is

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