
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Finding Faith and Freindship in the Mountains

As I plan each year for our annual Women's Ministry Fall Retreat I always anticipate what a good time everyone will have and how refreshing it will be to get away with God and my sisters in Christ for a few days. But this year God blew my socks off!!!!
The group that attending was a little different, the material was a little different - I was a little nervous as to how everything would turn out. Thank the Lord He is in control and that the success or failure of the event was securely in His hands!!!
From the moment we arrived I could feel the anticipation of a fresh word from the Lord. As the study time came - I felt a real sense of involvement. Saturday morning we had an awesome time of prayer for our church and for the school and I could see God was really moving and changing our hearts.... How exciting!!!! It wasn't even half-way over and God was working!!!!
The afternoon was, of course, full of fellowship, fun, and this year a little football (Thank You Worth!)
Then after our evening session we went to this great little chapel nestled in the mountain and truly worshiping for more than an hour. I could have stayed all night!!! It was enough to take my breath away. I could feel God's presence and was overwhelmed by how good He is and how good He is to me!!!
The weekend just continued to get better. There was such a sweet spirit about everyone and such an amazing sense of love for each other and for growth in faith.
Sunday, as we closed, we spent a good amount of time on the back porch, overlooking the mountains - which were such a good visual for what faith can do-, and poured out our hearts to God. We tied cards that we had written things that were hindering our faith on to balloons and when we felt we were ready we released them into the sky. Straight to the Lord.
I have felt such a sense of joy and peace since that moment.
Women's Ministry has committed to fasting a praying the entire month of November (We are each taking a day) and i am so looking ofrward to the great things I know the Lord is going to do.
What a weekend!!!!

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