
Saturday, November 14, 2009

What God is teaching me

I think it is funny how downright ridiculous I am sometimes. I mean, seriously, I can get some hair-brained notion about things or people and just run with it, even if it makes no sense. Knowing this about myself - It shouldn't be a revelation that God can surprise me. The great thing is - I Love It when He does.
This week was one of those times. My dad got engaged, my uncle (by marriage) passed away, it has been an insane college week and in the midst of it all - God did the unexpected (unexpected by me - which is the ridiculous part).
I have had this crazy notion that God is always going to make me walk by faith, doing without until the last possible second when He will make everything okay. I didn't even realize I thought like this until something challenged the idea. Knowing that when my dad gets married and moves away there will be some financial needs that I wasn't really sure what was going to happen. I have just been choosing not to worry about it (thinking if I didn't think about it - then it would go away). But God can see and He knows our needs - even before they arise.
I was offered a job - doing something I really love to do this week. How awesome is that!!! God didn't wait until I was freaking out and He didn't wait until I was having to really work to have faith - He just provided, before the need arose. Just because He is good and He does nice things for His kids. I guess I forgot that about Him. I pray I never forget again. It has just been a blessing to know that He is very involved in my day to day life, He loves me, and He does things for me just because He can...
I decided this was my new favorite song several weeks ago - but it is even more true in my life now than ever.... Listen if you have a minute!

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