
Monday, August 17, 2009

For my mama

Dear Lord, I ask that you lay a special blessing on my mom tonight. She has always been the steady one for me and she has always been the one I could count on to love you enough to do right.
Help me to be her girl. The one she taught and trained how to love You completely, forsaking even self to do Your will. Help me to be steady for her during this shakey time. Help me to hold on to truth and love and even forgiveness when she gets tired of the battle. Help me to be your loving hand when she is lonely and your broken heart when she is hurting. Show me how much you love her and lead me to do the same.
When she struggles to find your will help her to relax and know that You are the same God today as you were yesterday. The same God you were when she taught me to love and honor you above all else. The same God who has always brought compassion, mercy and healing.
Help her as she begins this journey to forgive. I know the road will be bumpy and at times bitterness will win a battle or two. Remind her then that you have won the war. That the forgiveness she strives after will heal and restore that amazing woman of faith, the one who taught me my abc's and how to love Jesus, and how to give up all in His pursuit.
Though anger and hurt have hidden her from me for a season. Seasons change.Help her to know my love for her is constant and real and full.Amen

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