
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bring on the Trashbags

Today I am wondering why messy rooms in movies seem so cool and in my house they are overwhelming???? Clutter in my house clutters my mind. Our is it just a reflection of a cluttered mind? Hmmmm. Either way - this is the Summer of decluttering and throwing away in the Luttrull household. If there is nothing to scatter everywhere then maybe we will find a way to keep things starightened up.
I am also decluttering my life to leave room for the important things that I tell myself I have no time for. (Daily Bible study, playing with the kids, cooking healthy meals, ect) It is so much easier for me to get up and read my Bible and spend time in prayer in a clean room. I have always known this. I guess I have finally gotten desperate enough to actually stop being so lazy. I want God to do a new work in my heart and life and I know that will mean change. So let the changes begin with getting the junk out of my house and out of my mind!!!

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