
Friday, July 10, 2009

When God Says Wait

Sometimes God says yes. Other times God says no. But then there are those times when He tells us to simply wait. Those are the worst! But if they must come then they should have a time limit. Wait for a few days, wait for a week, maybe even a month. But years.... there is something wildly painful about the thought.
Today my Uncle Dwight got married to the most fantastic woman. She is sweet and sensitive and she loves him from the top of her head to the tip of toes. They are both so blessed to have each other. They are both a little older and have been single a very long time. God had said wait... And my uncle did for years. I am amazed at his faithfulness. But I am in awe of God's Faithfulness to answer and never forget my uncle in the meantime.
When I spoke with Dwight last night he said he felt this was his latter rain. I pray so! What an example for my impatient self. God has always been working it out for the good of those who love him. I will be able to look to their happiness next God asks me to wait and know that my God is always worth the wait!
Congratulations Dwight and Karen! I pray blessings over your marriage and over each of your lives....


Roxanne said...

Megan...I am so excited you've joined us in the blogging world!

Boy, is God trying to get through to me! This is the 4th time in one week I've heard someone talk about God's timing. (I'm listening, God!)

steph said...

Waiting stinks! Receiving makes it worth it!